
  • Yogurt for Doggies!

    Is there a need to invest in expensive digestive supplements (pro-biotics) for your fur-balls just because they are experiencing digestive issues?


    No! it's not!

    We'll be sharing with you how plain yogurt actually helped Kaven in strengthening his digestive system.


    Let me first bring you through Kaven's digestive pattern :)

    Kaven actually vomits yellowish liquid every morning before breakfast and we all know that is gastric juices when there's no food in his tummy. Since puppy times, he vomits daily without fail even if we break up his meals into strict 4hour intervals (smaller portions). In addition to that, Kaven has Yeast Infection problem when he was young, leading to skin rashes, itchy and swollen paws and oily skin/coat.


    Common symptoms caused by Yeast Toxin:
    1. Itchy skin and rashes
    2. Constipation
    3. Food Allergies
    4. Itchy, red and smelly ears
    5. Itchy and swollen paws
    6. Body Odor
    7. Hair loss


    We've tried some pre and pro biotics supplements and seen slight improvement in him over the first 2 weeks and the problem then reoccured. The vet gave Kaven Bene-bac and we all know how expensive it is to keep a dog permanently on bene-bac.

    Then, Kaven's Nanny, Joey spoke to us about the benefits of feeding yogurt to dogs and tadahhhhh, Kaven is kid with strong digestive system now. I'm proud to say, this boy is strong like a bull and doesn't vomit gastric juices any more!


    So what's so miraculous about yogurt?


    Yogurt is pro-biotic by nature and it contains Lactobacilos acidophilus (natural inhabitants of the digestive tract) that keeps the good bacteria in balance so that the bad bacteria is swiftly knocked out. Acidophilus (pro-biotic) aids in the digestion by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria.

    Yogurt is exceptionally helpful for dogs with yeast infections, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel movement. It also contains reduces cholesterol level in dogs! Yogurt is a fast relief for itching and the active bacteria present in yogurt targets the yeast cells in the body, providing relief for yeast problems.

    Yogurt also provides relief for dogs with acute bout of diarrhea. Diarrhea could be caused by harmful bacterias, parasites, viruses present in their body. The microorganisms present in yogurt releases hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid that destroys the harmful bacteria in your dog's digestive tract.


    What type of yogurt should I feed?

    Only one type of yogurt should be fed to our beloved children and that is PLAIN, UNSWEETENED, UNFLAVORED YOGURT.
    Please do not buy those with fruits or Aloe Vera! Why?
    Flavored yogurt contains too much sugar or artificial sweeteners that may cause negative reaction in your dogs.


    How much yogurt should I feed?

    Between 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon depending on your dog's weight.
    It's always better to start with less.


    Yogurt is affordable and easily attainable, but yet does so much benefits to our fur-balls :)

    Start feeding your dogs chilled yogurt now as a happy treat especially in warm warm Singapore!

    Hopefully our fur-balls will all grow to become stronger, healthier and live longer!


    With love,


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  • Comments on this post (1 comment)

    • Ling says...

      Jayjay (my chihuahua) vomits yellowish liquid too! Thanks for this… will try it on him.. Do you feed Kaven at every meal? Or one day once?

      On April 02, 2014

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